Monday, 11 May 2015


So, as of the end of Thursday this week I will no longer be in permanent employment. I'm not going to go through the reasons why, because to be quite honest I'm not too sure what some of them are. I love my job, I love my colleagues but I love my children. I have been given an opportunity to do something lsightly reckless and I totally appreciate how lucky I am in that. Don't get me wrong, I still need and want to work. I have been in my profession for 10 years now and have had some amazing experiences and am not ready to part with my career, but I'm a point in my life, a cheesy 'crossroads' point in a movie where I have been made to take a step back and think about what is important to me.

I choose the children. I choose dropping them off and collecting from pre-school/school. I choose being able to have a bit more time. I choose being driven to end of sanity because they both want to open the door/get upstairs/sit on a certain chair FIRST!!!!

Like I say I am lucky I can even consider this and totally respect the millions of working mothers all over the world, this is my little insignificant corner of that world and snippets of the highs and lows of thrifty living/trying out my own little business ideas/being with two 'lively' children aged 2 and 5 nearly all the time. I will be working albeit much reduced hours with a innovative new team and area which I am really excited about. Compromises will be needed. We have taken on the Aldi challenge, and we won't be able to get a new kitchen/carpet/hot tub/extension/wine cellar etc. in our new house as advertised on my Pinterest page.

So, with a slight tremble I wish all my wonderful colleagues well. I have been lucky enough to work with some of the cleverest, most patient, kind and forward thinking people I know. I will miss them.

They say the best decisions you make are often the toughest......don't they?!

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